

HST Mentoring is a programme designed to connect HST students with experienced alumni for personal development, industry insight and skill enhancement. It’s your bridge to learning from those who have successfully walked the path you’re on.

It is free of charge.

Becoming a member is easy! Simply visit our website and complete the registration form with your details. Once you’re signed up, you can start connecting with mentors immediately.
We have a growing pool of mentors from a variety of backgrounds, so whether you’re looking for personal development coaching, industry-specific mentoring or skills-specific guidance, there’s a mentor here for you.

Use our platform’s convenient chat feature to break the ice with your mentor. From there, you and your mentor can decide on the communication style that works best for you – video calls, email exchanges, or coffee meet-ups, the possibilities are endless!

It’s okay if you don’t hit it off with your mentor right away. Relationships take time to develop, but if you feel it’s not the right fit, you can always move on – no hard feelings.
If you have a serious problem, which is related to the mentoring relationship, we urge you to contact us immediately. We’re here to ensure your safety and well-being.

Bring your academic experiences and professional expertise to the table, and be open to learning from your mentee’s unique perspective.


Confidentiality & Safety

Keep personal and sensitive information confidential, share only within the mentor-mentee relationship unless there is a risk of safety.


Respect the schedule and commitments made, providing timely notice of any changes.

Openness & Continuous Learning

Approach the mentorship with a willingness to learn and embrace different perspectives.

Boundaries & Respect

Set and respect clear personal and professional boundaries to avoid misunderstandings.

Constructive Feedback

Exchange constructive feedback as a key element of development.

Safe Environment & Zero Tolerance Policy

Commit to a harassment-free environment and take immediate action against any form of harassment or offensive behaviour.